Last year the Basel Committee on banking supervision finally approved a still-too-low 3% international leverage ratio. 去年,巴塞尔银行监管委员会(BaselCommitteeonBankingSupervision)终于批准了的3%国际杠杆率,尽管这一比例仍然过低。
Such a high leverage ratio makes investors extremely nervous, even if a large portion of that leverage ends up being relatively benign government agency debt. 如此高的杠杆率使得投资者极度紧张,即使其中很大一部分是相对良性的政府机构债务。
European banks do not have this kind of "leverage ratio," and Basel II has allowed them to treat sovereign debt as having zero risk. 欧洲银行业没有此类“杠杠率”,而且巴塞尔协议II也允许它们将主权债券视为零风险资产。
But despite the high leverage ratio and uncertainty, there are options available to MF global to continue as a going concern. 但尽管存在这种高杠杆率和不确定性,明富环球继续生存下去的救赎之道还是有的。
This year we are going to introduce the deposit insurance system, continue to develop multitiered capital markets and lower companies leverage ratio. All these efforts will help ensure that financial services can better serve the real economy. 今年,我们就要出台存款保险制度,而且要进一步发展多层次的资本市场,降低企业的资金杠杆率,也可以使金融更好地为实体经济服务。
Goldman has reduced its leverage ratio sharply its assets are now only 14 times capital, compared with 26 times at the end of 2007. 高盛大幅降低了杠杆比率与2007年末的26倍相比,它的资产目前仅为资本的14倍。
Last year he was the first western central banker to call for the use of a leverage ratio to help monitor bank capital levels. 去年,他是第一位呼吁利用杠杆比例来监控银行资本水平的西方国家央行行长。
Any institution that does not want to be too big to fail can shrink through spin-offs and be eligible for the lower leverage ratio. 任何不想成为“太大而不能倒”的机构都可以通过分拆缩减规模,从而有资格实行更低的杠杆比率。
Smaller banks are now required to have 8 per cent tangible equity per dollar of assets ( the leverage ratio). 现在,规模较小的银行需要每美元资产拥有8%的有形权益(杠杆比率)。
Leverage Ratio, Asset Price Bubble and Banks'Credit Risk 杠杆比率、资产价格泡沫和银行信贷风险
Unofficially, Tim Geithner, the US Treasury secretary, has a maximum leverage ratio in mind. 从非正式的角度来说,美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)对最高杠杆比率心中有数。
Separately, the Swiss National Bank, responsible for financial stability, has recommended the introduction of US-style leverage ratio, measuring equity relative to assets, as an extra buffer. 同时,负责金融稳定的瑞士央行(SwissNationalBank)建议引进美国式的杠杆比率,即股本相对于资产的比率,作为额外缓冲机制。
European nations agreed to support some form of bank leverage ratio a key US demand. 欧洲各国则同意支持某种形式的银行杠杆率这是美国的一项关键要求。
An institution can have a very low leverage ratio, but that tells you nothing about its liquidity. 一家机构可能会拥有非常低的杠杆比率,但这不会透露任何有关流动性的信息。
In line with this thinking, the Swiss National Bank ( SNB) was the first authority to explicitly suggest that a leverage ratio of over 20 was "not prudent and undesirable in good times". 与这种想法一致的是,瑞士央行(snb)在政府机构中第一个站出来表态,明确表示20倍以上的杠杆率“在繁荣时期既不谨慎也不可取”。
Nothing wrong with that, except that the leverage ratio explicitly excludes lending the banks undertake domestically from calculations of capital. 这一措施原本无可指摘,但其中明确规定,在计算杠杆率时,贷向国内银行的资金不计入资本。
Deutsche Bank is under pressure to bring down its leverage ratio, a measure of gross assets to capital. 德意志银行顶着压力减小它的杜杆比率,保证国内资产可以转化成资金。
That, in turn, helped the firm to reduce its leverage ratio ( the level of indebtedness on its balance sheet), avoid a rating downgrade and appear healthier than it actually was. 借此,该公司降低了杠杆比率(资产负债表上债务所占比率),避免评级遭到下调,显得比实际情况更为健康。
"High leverage ratio of the state-owned enterprises," 国有企业产负债率过高
New regulations limiting money market funds enlarged leverage ratio unified valuation standards, and in time, stricter control of the Fund portfolio duration, which makes the short-term money market funds to further narrow the gap between income levels. 新规限制了货币市场基金杠杆放大比例,统一了估值标准,同时在时点上更严格地控制了基金的组合期限,这些都使得货币市场基金的短期收益水平的差距进一步缩小。
Banking sector has higher leverage ratio than other industries. 与工商企业相比,银行业的杠杆比例明显偏高。
We found that operation risks and bankrupt costs of enterprises could have positive impacts on leverage ratio, while pay-out ratio of dividends may have negative impact on leverage ratio. 我们发现企业的经营风险和破产成本可能对杠杆率有正面影响,而股息支付率则与杠杆率负相关。
On the basis of the theoretical analysis, this paper analyses the relevance between Cash flow from operating activities, Tobin's Q, size, ROE, Growth Rate, Liquidity Ratio and Leverage Ratio. 然后利用上市公司数据对制造业的经营现金流、Tobin'sQ、企业规模、ROE、成长性、流通比率与财务杠杆之间的相关性进行了实证分析;
The new accord which raises capital requirement and introduces the leverage ratio and global liquidity standard ( Liquidity Coverage Ratio, Net Stable Funding Ratio) aims at rebuilding the global regulatory system. 协议提高了资本要求,引入了杠杆率、流动性覆盖率、净稳定融资比例等新指标,旨在重建全球金融监管体系。
As the financial markets were developed, coupled with a higher mutual opening degree, the poor financial supervision and the high leverage ratio of the bank system, the impact of the financial crisis between US and Europe were aggravated. 特别是在美欧等发达国家之间,由于金融市场发达、相互开放程度高、银行业高杠杆率和金融监管不力等因素的存在,加剧了金融危机的冲击。
On the basis of financial accelerator mechanism, this article derives the relationship between the optimal leverage ratio and the interest rate premium, analysing the friction mechanism of financial markets as well as its economic explanation quantitatively. 在金融加速器的基础上,进一步推导最优杠杆率与利率升水的关系,定量化分析金融市场的摩擦机制和经济学意义。
But the leverage ratio for securities 'performance effect is not significant. 而杠杆比率对于券商绩效的影响不太显著。